According to clause 87 "Regulations on the procedure for regulating the use of radio frequency spectrum and radio electronic means on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan"(Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 7, 2005 Registration No. 1531), "transfer of radio electronic means by one owner to another, as well as sale is allowed only with permission Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility (CEMS). The new owner is obliged, according to the procedure established in sections 6 and 9 of these Regulations, to draw up the necessary permits”
By the decision of the Republican Council on Radio Frequencies № 610 dated 19.10.2020. "On the simplification of the use of radio electronic means of the fixed service" there is a simplified procedure for issuing permits for the development, production, modernization, import from abroad and use by legal entities and individuals of radio frequency bands by radio relay stations of direct visibility, namely, it is not required to issue separate Decisions of the RCRF in case of compliance with the technical parameters specified in the appendix to this decision.
No appropriate registration of the permission of the SUE CEMC is required to receive devices not intended for radiation of radio waves
In accordance with the decision of the RCRS No612 of October 29, 2020, it is allowed to use on a secondary basis data transmission systems using Wi-Fi technology in the radio frequency bands 2400-2483.5 MHz, 5150-5190 MHz, 5210-5350 MHz, 5520-5550 MHz, 5570 -5650 MHz without registration of permits for purchase and operation, provided that the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than 100 mW (20 dBm).
In case of exceeding the EIRP, the use of intra-office data transmission systems using Wi-Fi technology in the above radio frequency bands should be carried out with the registration of all necessary permits in the prescribed manner.
At the same time, in order to obtain a permit for the purchase and installation of equipment, it is necessary to additionally submit documents to the Centr of Electromagnetic Comtability in accordance with paragraph 32 of §5 "Regulations on the procedure for regulating the use of the radio frequency spectrum and radio-electronic devices on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan".
1,7; 5; 6; 7; 8 and 10 MHz. The Republic of Uzbekistan uses a bandwidth of 8 MHz
Depending on the quality of the transmitted image. For standard SD quality, there are an average of 16 TV channels.
There are now special (500 mVt) repeaters that amplify cellular signals that can be used to achieve stable communications in the field. These repeaters are recommended to be used in accordance with the Decision of the Republican Council on Radio Frequencies No. 256 of 2011, strictly using the services of qualified specialists for their installation. Otherwise, such randomly installed repeaters will cause radio interference in the operation of mobile base stations close to them.
All radio frequency assignments are subject to international coordination except for HF broadcasting, radio amateur services, ship stations.
International legal protection of radio frequency assignments are one of the main tasks of the SUE CEMS. To obtain international recognition of a radio frequencies, it is necessary to submit to the department of coordination of radio frequency assignments of State Unitary Enterprise “CEMS”, technical parameters of equipment for which it is necessary to obtain international recognition. According to the current tariff of the SUE "CEMS", depending on the service of the equipment, the service costs from 4 thousand soums up to 182480 soums for each frequency assignment.
European standard of terrestrial digital television of the second generation from the group of DVB standards.