In connection with the 35th anniversary of the Uzbek language being given the status of a state language, a round table was organized on the day of the "Uzbek language holiday" celebrated throughout the republic with the participation of employees of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Surkhandarya region.
On October 21, 1989, the Law "On the State Language" was adopted in our country to determine the legal basis for the state language, according to which the Uzbek language was given the status of a state language. Our native language, which is one of the sacred values of our people, received its legal status and protection.
Speakers at the event noted that our native language is a symbol of the state, the cultural and spiritual wealth of the nation, culture, traditions, way of life and history of the nation.
Separately, it was noted about the difficulties overcome in determining the legal status of the Uzbek language, about the conditions created to date for the widespread use of the rich potential of our language, as well as about the work being done to bring the state language to a new level.
In accordance with Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the establishment of the Day of the Uzbek language holiday", October 21 was declared the day of "Celebration of the Uzbek language". This event is a symbol of national identity and great spiritual value.