CEMC news

Radiocommunication Assembly 2023

The Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-23), an event held every four years to define the future work programs of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector, approve radiocommunication standards (ITU-R Recommendations) and Resolutions, concluded on 18 November 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The Assembly adopted a resolution that will provide guidance for the development of radio interface standards and technologies for the 6th generation of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). Among other decisions, RA-23 also adopted a resolution on gender equality to strengthen, accelerate and expand the active participation of women in the work of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).  

Discussion highlights during the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA 23) included: 

• ITU-R Resolution 65, paving the way for studies on the compatibility of current regulations with potential 6th generation IMT radio interface technologies for 2030 and beyond; 

• This will be supportive of further cooperation with other United Nations organizations and beneficial to the satellite industry; 

• conclusion of a new ITU R Recommendation on the protection of the radio navigation-satellite service and amateur satellite services; 

• revision of Resolution ITU R 8 3 to promote the participation of engineers and scientists from developing countries in propagation campaigns in tropical and subtropical regions of the world for which there is limited data monitoring. 

In addition, new chairmen of the ITU-R study groups were appointed, as well as vice-chairmen of which include 3 specialists from the Communications Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Over 1,300 delegates from 128 ITU Member States attended the Assembly, including the Deputy Head of the State Unitary Enterprise CEMC 

A.Kh. Khashimkhodzhaev, who took an active part in the delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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