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CEMC news

On March 14 of this year, another hour of legal training was conducted through the ZOOM platform for employees of the central office of the State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility", the Electromagnetic Compatibility Services of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions.   During this training hour, 1st category SEMС ...
Traffic control using unmanned aerial vehicles
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in traffic control and road safety is becoming increasingly popular as cities look for innovative ways to improve safety and reduce congestion. UAV offer an effective and cost-effective way to monitor and manage traffic, while also providing a safer environment for drivers and pedestrians.              ...
25th meeting of the RCC Commission on regulation of the use of radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbits.
From March 11 to March 15, 2024, the 25th meeting of the RCC Commission for Regulation of the Use of Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits (RCC and CO Commission), as well as meetings of its working groups on preparation for the World Radiocommunication Conference, is being held in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia. and the Radiocommunication As...
Preventative work
At the site of our enterprise in the Kasansay district, together with representatives of the regional electrical network, another inspection of electrical equipment was carried out. Measurement work was carried out in order to protect people from electric shock, the insulation resistance of electrical equipment was also measured, and the degree of...
Studies were conducted in the districts of Fergana region electromagnetic environment
From March 4 to March 7, 2024, in accordance with the internal regulatory documents of the State Unitary Enterprise CEMC, measurements were carried out to assess the electromagnetic compatibility situation. When carrying out measurements, the antenna was adjusted in azimuth to the maximum, taking into account the incoming signal of vertical and ...
Happy holiday dear ladies
Dear women! Congratulations on the holiday of spring and beauty. We wish you all health and happiness, peace and prosperity to your families. May each of you always be surrounded by the love and respect of your family, children and grandchildren, country and people!
Illegal penetration of radio-electronic equipment is prevented
In February of this year, events were held with the participation of employees of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Khorezm Region and the Khorezm Regional Department of the Customs Committee. In the course of joint activities, the customs department of the Khorezm region through the border customs post “Urgench Airport” prevented th...
My native language is my pride
The native language is a source of good qualities and high feelings. It occupies a unique place in the development of humanity. The formation of human thinking is directly related to language. The Uzbek language has courageously walked the path of many thousands of years of historical development until today. Language is a mirror of the nation, i...
A training seminar was held at the Office of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Syrdarya region
On March 1, 2024, at the Office of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the Syrdarya region, employees of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Syrdarya region, as well as the territorial branch of the Uzkomnazorat Inspectorate for the Syrdarya region, held a training seminar. At the seminar, employees of the ...
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