The Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility is a state unitary enterprise established to perform the functions of issuing permits for the use of radio frequencies, ensuring electromagnetic compatibility and monitoring the radio frequency spectrum. The activities of SUE CEMС and its regional branches are aimed at fulfilling contractual obligations to provide services, the quality of which meets the regulatory requirements and consumer expectations.
The development of information technologies, relevance of the further use of the radio frequency spectrum and radio communication technologies put forward increased requirements for the operation of radio frequency bodies, therefore, the following perspective tasks are faced by the staff of the State Unitary Enterprise CEMC and its regional branches:
- further modernization of the technical base in order to increase the efficiency of radio monitoring and other technical functions;
- creation of optimal conditions for ensuring electromagnetic compatibility and adherence to the priorities of the operation of radio-electronic means used to ensure public and state security;
- continuous improvement of the quality management system (QMS) of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of international standards of the ISO 9000 series based on a risk-oriented approach;
- improving the quality of service to fully meet the requirements of consumers (users of the radio frequency spectrum);
- ensuring an objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications from individuals and legal entities in the field of the enterprise;
- work to improve the regulatory basis in the field of the use of the radio frequency spectrum;
- increasing the efficiency of interaction with other radio frequency bodies and radio services;
- elimination of corruption violations of the current legislation and internal regulations of the enterprise
- professional training of personnel and the creation of a highly qualified personnel reserve;
- ensuring that each employee understands their tasks for the effective functioning of the QMS by organizing training on the QMS;
- increase the social protection of employees of the enterprise and its regional branches and consistent improvement of the conditions for their work and rest.
I take responsibility for providing the resources, which is necessary to implement the quality policy and will strictly follow the principles of the QMS.
Head of the State Unitary Enterprise CEMC R.P. Mansurov