CEMC news

Let's build a future without corruption!

Looking at the reforms of modern developed democracies, we first of all see that one of the most important tasks is to create a transparent environment free of corruption in society. Indeed, corruption is detrimental to the economic and political progress of any society. It weakens the rule of law in society, corrodes the spiritual morality of people, and gives rise to cases of violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens. This also causes organized crime, terrorism and other types of threats to human security to take root in society. And the fact that an official mired in corruption puts his own interests above the interests of society undermines the economic and political processes of the state.

If we look at our great history, then “Temur’s rules” were widely used as a solution to the problems of crime and punishment in society even during the times of Sahibkiran Amir Temur and the Timurids. The regulations implement a unique approach to determining liability for theft of state property. Activities such as abuse of power, domestic disturbances, and drunkenness were considered serious crimes, and those who committed them were severely punished.

To prevent corruption, first of all, it is necessary to develop measures to combat this evil and adopt regulatory legal documents to combat it. Over the years of independence, a number of effective works in this direction have been carried out in our country. Initially, our country joined the “Convection against Corruption” in 2008, the “Istanbul Anti-Corruption Plan” adopted within the framework of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 2010, and in 2011 the Oliy Majlis spoke out against money laundering and the financing of terrorism among them – ratification of the agreement on the Eurasian wrestling group. The legal means of combating this evil is the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Fight against Corruption,” as well as the creation of the Republican Interdepartmental Commission to Combat Corruption and the adoption of State Programs to Combat Corruption. basis.


Prepared by: engineer 2 category SEMC Kashkadarya region 

Sh.R. Jalilov

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