Shatimirov Shuxrat Muxammadovich
Maintenance department
Head of service
- Provision of service and maintenance in proper condition of buildings, structures and premises of SUE CEMS in accordance with the current sanitary-hygienic and fire-prevention norms and rules;
- Planning and implementation of the work of the energy sector of the enterprise as a whole;
- Conclusion of exploitative contracts for maintenance and provision of services;
- Takes part in the development of plans, overhaul and current repairs of fixed assets of the enterprise (buildings, water supply systems, sewerage, heat supply, power supply and other structures), drawing up estimates (calculations) for business expenses);
- Organizes work on the organizational and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise;
- Carries out work on the preparation of materials for the conclusion of contracts for the lease and operation of the premises of SUE CEMS and structural divisions, communication services, maintenance of security and fire alarms, garbage disposal, preventive disinfection measures, energy resources, as well as for hotel accommodation;
- Provides maintenance and proper condition of the building and facilities of the enterprise, in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire safety, as well as control over the health of lighting, heating systems, ventilation, telephone lines in the building and at the facilities of the enterprise;
- Organizational and methodological guidance and control over the activities of structural divisions of the organization on issues of economic services, rational use of material resources, safety of property of objects.
- Preparation and presentation of information and analytical materials on the state and prospects of development of economic support of the organization's activities of SUE CEMS, development of proposals for improving the Administrative maintenance service (AMS) service.
- Improvement and implementation of new methods of organizing work, including the use of modern information technologies
- Organizes technically correct operation and timely repair of power equipment and power systems, uninterrupted provision with electricity, water and other types of energy resources;
- Takes control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise and consistent observance of the saving regime;
- Organizes the reception and necessary services for representatives of other administrations and persons who have arrived on business trips;
- Participation in the inventory of buildings, premises, equipment in order to control their safety and technical condition.
- Supervises works on landscaping and cleaning of the territory, decoration of building facades, checkpoints, etc .;
- Organizes maintenance for meetings, conferences and seminars for the exchange of experience and other events held at the enterprise;
- Provides control over the state of fire-fighting equipment;
- Organizes subscription to periodicals of the SUE CEMS administration and structural divisions;
- Ensures the maintenance of the sanitary-technical systems of the building in good condition and takes measures for their timely repair;
- Carrying out information and explanatory work among the employees of SUE CEMS, aimed at ensuring the safety and maintenance of buildings, premises and property of the organization, respect for equipment and economical use of material and energy resources (electricity, heat, water, stationery, consumables etc.).
- Supervises the work of the security and fire alarm system;
- Supervises the work of the security and access system in the building of the enterprise;
- Conducts cadastral affairs;
- Takes part in the development of projects of long-term and annual plans for material and technical support of production based on the determination of the needs of the divisions of the enterprise in material and technical resources;
- Participates in the negotiation of the terms of supply contracts for the material and technical support of the enterprise;
- Organizes direct and long-term economic relations with service providers;
- Performs work related to the preparation of claims against service providers in case of violation of contractual obligations, coordinates with service providers changes in the terms of concluded contracts;
- Ensures elimination of identified nonconformities (corrective actions) during audits, or analysis by management.
- preparation of estimates, planning of repair work;