CEMC news

Visit to Victory Park

Employees of the State Unitary Enterprise "CEMС" visited Victory Park.


At the entrance to the park there is a Victory Arch in the form of a five-pointed star. The park complex contains marble panels depicting military episodes with the participation of Uzbek citizens and general information about their participation on the fronts of World War II.

When creating the concept of Victory Park, the experience of a number of foreign countries in creating similar parks, public gardens, and memorial complexes was studied.

In different parts of the park, covered terraces decorated in the national style were built, equipped with electronic equipment for obtaining information on the topics of Victory Park. Recreation areas include libraries, Wi-Fi zones, and stage areas.

The division of the park into visiting zones is dictated by their emotional content - the horrors of war and the heroism of soldiers, the resilience and selfless work of those who remained in the rear and provided the front, a zone of grief and sadness, a zone of joy, a zone of gratitude.

First, the visitor enters the “Horrors of War” zone. Here are elements of combat positions, bunkers, guns and tanks hanging over the trenches. Walking through the trenches under their tracks, the visitor finds messages, for example, about the number of enemy vehicles that invaded the territory of the Soviet Union, that almost two thousand natives of Uzbekistan were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow,” etc. A genuine one is also presented. equipment, in particular, the T-34 tank, which took part in the battles, and after the war ended up in Uzbekistan.

Samples of weapons of the modern army of Uzbekistan are demonstrated at special sites. There is an amphitheater for holding festive events.

In the middle part of the park, on the main alley, there is a fountain in the form of the Order of Victory.

At the highest point of the complex - at the top of the man-made mound - there is a sculptural composition “Eternal Feat”. This is a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Sabir Rakhimov, and all Uzbek soldiers who participated in the Second World War. In honor of each Hero of the Soviet Union, a tree was planted and a marble slab with his name was installed (301 names).

The artistic composition “Tear” on the left along the main alley is made in the shape of an eye, inside of which there appear to be rows of gravestones, symbolizing the enormous price that the people of Uzbekistan had to pay in the struggle for a common Victory.

The “Ode to Fortitude” memorial is dedicated to the memory of Zulfiya Zakirova, who lost five sons in the war (Isokjon, Ahmadjon, Mahamadjon, Vakhobjon, Yusufjon), who stood in the face of unimaginable misfortune and supported four daughters-in-law with their small children, the widows of her sons, in their fidelity to their departed husbands .

A separate object is the reconstruction of the wartime Tashkent railway junction, which saw millions evacuated from territories occupied by the enemy, from besieged Leningrad, as well as thousands of trains with the wounded. The exposition of the Museum of Glory tells about this

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