CEMC news

Radio interference has been eliminated

 In accordance with the Decision of the Republican Council on Radio Frequencies dated August 23, 2022 No. 707 on compliance with the procedure for the development, modernization, production, import from abroad and use in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of repeater devices that do not meet technical specifications that amplify the signal of mobile networks, and on the basis of applications received from mobile operators operating in the Fergana region to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Fergana Region for the elimination of radio interference, on May 28 of this year, engineers of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service, together with the Department of Internal Affairs and the territorial division of the Uzkomnazorat inspection of the Fergana region, carried out operational activities in the territory of the Uzbekistan region and in the city of Fergana. During the operational activities carried out the following were identified:

    During the operational activities carried out in the Fergana region, it was revealed that the cause of radio interference created by base stations of mobile communications is a repeater device that amplifies mobile communications signals, installed and used by the organization "Fergana Department of Main Gas Pipelines", as well as a repeater device used by citizen Khamraev Khasanjon Uktamovich, who lives in the Kumbosti MSG of the Uzbekistan region. In order to eliminate radio interference, warning letters were sent to owners of repeaters that boost mobile network signals, and the use of repeaters was stopped.

Prepared by: Engineer of the 2nd category of the EMC Service of the Fergana region Sh.I. Sadikhanov.

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