CEMC news

SEMC employees of Surkhandarya region at command post exercises on civil protection

On November 21-23, 2023, events to train command personnel on civil protection issues were held in the Zhargorgan district of Surkhandarya region. SEMC employees of Surkhandarya region took part in this event as observers.

During the training events, all technical means of responsible enterprises and organizations directly involved in the elimination of emergency situations were demonstrated. Also, the training participants were familiarized with the capabilities of technical equipment and the tools attached to them in a practical form.


The training tested the knowledge and skills of rescuers to act correctly and clearly in emergency situations, eliminate the consequences of the situation in a timely manner, evacuate people to a safe area and provide first aid to the victims. During the training, employees received answers to their questions.


Network engineer category 2 of the Service electromagnetic compatibility 

of Surkhandarya Region - Islamov J.

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