CEMC news

Study hour

On June 13 of this year, another hour of legal training was conducted through the ZOOM platform for employees of the central office of the State Unitary Enterprise “Center of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, Electromagnetic Compatibility Services of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions.

At this training hour, the leading engineer of the Department of Information Security and Software Product Support, D.E. Lee, explained the content of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Cybersecurity” dated April 15, 2022, No. LRU-764.

The purpose of this Law is to regulate relations in the field of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity legislation consists of this Law and other acts of legislation.

Ensuring the cybersecurity of the system of operational investigative measures on telecommunication networks and communication channels is carried out in the manner established by separate acts of legislation.

If an international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes rules other than those provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cybersecurity, then the rules of the international treaty apply.

The following basic concepts apply in this Law:

object of informatization - information systems of various levels and purposes, telecommunication networks, technical means of information processing, premises where these means are installed and operated;

cybercrime - a set of crimes carried out in cyberspace using software and hardware with the aim of acquiring information, changing it, destroying or hacking information systems and resources;

cyberspace - a virtual environment created with the help of information technology;

cyber threat - a set of conditions and factors in cyberspace that pose a threat to the interests of the individual, society and state;

cybersecurity - the state of protecting the interests of the individual, society and state from external and internal threats in cyberspace;

cybersecurity incident - an event in cyberspace that led to failures in the operation of information systems and (or) violations of the availability 

of information in them, integrity and its free use;

cyber security object - a complex of information systems used in activities to ensure cyber protection of information and cyber security of national information systems and resources, including critical information infrastructure facilities;

cybersecurity subject - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has certain rights and obligations related to the ownership, use and disposal of national information resources and the provision of information electronic services for their use, information protection and cybersecurity, including subjects of critical information infrastructure;

cyber protection - a set of legal, organizational, financial, economic, engineering and technical measures, as well as cryptographic and technical data protection measures aimed at preventing cybersecurity incidents, identifying cyber attacks and protecting against them, eliminating the consequences of cyber attacks, restoring the stability and reliability of telecommunication networks, information systems and resources;

cyber attack - an action that poses a threat to cybersecurity, intentionally carried out in cyberspace using hardware, hardware and software;

critical information infrastructure - a complex of automated control systems, information systems and resources of networks and technological processes that have important strategic and socio-economic importance;

objects of critical information infrastructure - information systems used in the field of public administration and provision of public services, defense, state security, law and order, fuel and energy complex (nuclear energy), chemical, petrochemical industries, metallurgy, water use and supply, agriculture, healthcare , housing and communal services, banking and financial system, transport, information and communication technologies, ecology and environmental protection, mining and processing of minerals of strategic importance, production sector, as well as in other sectors of the economy and social sphere;

subjects of critical information infrastructure - government bodies and organizations, as well as legal entities that own critical information infrastructure objects on the basis of ownership, lease or other legal grounds, including legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs ensuring the operation and interaction of critical information infrastructure objects infrastructure.

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