
Mansurov Rustam Pulatovich

Mansurov Rustam Pulatovich


Reception days: working days (Monday-Friday) from 9:00 to 11:00


Mansurov Rustam Pulatovich was born on February 27th, 1965

Has a higher education, in 1987 has graduated from the Tashkent electrotechnical institute of communication, in 1997 has graduated from the Moscow legal academy.

Labor activity:

1987 - State inspection of telecommunication, senior engineer
1988 - 1991 - Republican center of electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means, engineer, leading engineer
1991 - 1992 – “Tesla” small enterprise, assembler of communication
1992 - 1996 - Center of electromagnetic compatibility, Service of the electromagnetic compatibility, leading engineer, deputy chief of service, chief of service
1996 - 1996 - Deputy Chief of the Center of electromagnetic compatibility
1996 - 1997 - Chief engineer of the Center of electromagnetic compatibility
Since 1997 till present - Head of the Center of electromagnetic compatibility
R.Mansurov is married, has two daughters.


  • carries out general management of SUE CEMC activity;
  • carries out a direct management of work of structural divisions of the enterprise, defines the basic directions of their activity;
  • directly supervises over work on selection and placement of personnel;
  • supervises questions of mobilization work;
  • supervises questions of the organization of preparation and retraining of the staff;
  • carries out the control over economic activities of SUE CEMC;
  • carries out direct management of financial and economic activity of the enterprise;
  • conducts the control over observance of a mode of privacy;
  • carries out the control over legal activity of SUE CEMC;
  • carries out a management of civil protection and is the chief of civil protection of the enterprise;
  • carries out the control over observance of performing discipline.
  • bears the responsibility for the organization of the problems assigned to the enterprise, for posture in the devices of SUE CEMC and structural divisions.


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