Regional offices

Tojiyev Xurshid Tulqinovich

Tojiyev Xurshid Tulqinovich

SEMC of Samarkand region

Head of service

(Monday-Friday) from 9:00 to 11:00


Main goals:
  • Realization of monitoring of a radio-frequency spectrum;
  • Planning and assignment of radio frequencies to users of radio-electronic means (REM) registration of which is carried out in the decentralized order;
  • Conducting the account of frequency assignments and control of their use in the territory of Samarkand region on REM, sanction on which is made out in the decentralized order, and on REM LF, MF and HF ranges, sanctions on which is made out in the centralized order;
  • Registration of REM, high-frequency devices (HFD) and SCTV maintained in the territory of region;
  • Realization of works on revealing sources of a radio noise of a radio communication and teleradioreception;
  • Performance of a complex of control and measuring works on check of means - possible sources of a radio noise (electro-transport, electric mains, electro-devices, vehicles and others) on conformity to norms of admissible levels of an industrial radio noise;
  • Technical supervision of REM and HFD operation in the territory of Samarkand region;
  • Organization of works on interaction with power structures of area, Uz ACI Territorial management, SCI, Department on struggle with tax and currency crimes and legalizations of criminal incomes under the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Uzbekistan on strengthening the control and prohibiting illegal import, selling and use of not certificated radio telephones and transferring devices in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Main functions:
  • Makes the analysis of monitoring of a radio-frequency spectrum and under the coordinated schedule represents corresponding reports in CEMC and to Territorial management of Uz ACI;
  • Gives the conclusion on actual use of a radio-frequency spectrum (LF, MF and HF ranges) in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in the territory of the Samarkand region in a range (0.1-3000) MHz;
  • Makes the analysis of electromagnetic conditions in republic (LF, MF and HF ranges) and in the territory of Samarkand region in view of influence of radiations from territory of the adjacent states;
  • Performs works by definition of the location of not authorized radiations;
  • Considers applications of users and gives out when due hereunder sanctions to purchase and installation, designing, construction and operation REM and HFD registration of which is carried out decentralized;
  • Carries out automated account of frequency assignments;
  • Carries out control over the use of frequency assignments and work of radio-electronic means;
  • Carries out necessary calculations of electromagnetic compatibility for REM, the sanction which stand out decentralized, and also carries out electromagnetic examination and gives out the conclusions on electromagnetic conditions;
  • Carries out technical radio-control and measurements of REM parameters;
  • Carries out technical supervision of REM and HFD operation for conformity of parameters of radio emissions to effective standards;
  • Carries out operatively-search actions on revealing and suppression of illegally used REM activity;
  • Carries out technical control of broadcasting stations of the foreign states;
  • Carries out interaction with the interested organizations and state bodies and the control over observance of the established order of use of a radio-frequency spectrum and radio-electronic means;
  • Participates in the periodic checkups spent by bodies of SAI for stock-taking of sanctions on REM, established on vehicles;
  • Generalizes data of the radio-control and gives out recommendations to users of radio frequencies;
  • Carries out operative tasks of CEMC under the technical radio-control and represents operative reports under the established form;
  • Takes measures on revealing and elimination of sources of a radio noise; carries out measurements of REM parameters (including networks of a cable television) and works by definition of a zone of the confident reception of TV stations and VHF to broadcasting;
  • Provides administrative activity within the limits of the given powers;
  • Provides duly elimination of the discrepancies (correcting actions) revealed at carrying out of audits or the analysis by management.
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