Head office

Rixsibayev Pulat Isabayevich

Rixsibayev Pulat Isabayevich

Frequency assignment coordination department

Head of department


The main tasks and functions of the department:


To resolve issues of international legal protection of terrestrial and space REMs, the Department for the Coordination of Radio Frequency Assignments functions within the structure of the Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility.

Coordination of radio frequency assignments of REM of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out for the following services:


• land mobile;

• broadcasting;

• fixed;

• satellite.


Currently, the Republic of Uzbekistan has bilateral agreements on the coordination of radio frequency assignments with the following states:

Republic of Kazakhstan: "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on coordination in the border areas of radio frequency assignments in the radio frequency band 30.0 - 1000.0 MHz used by civil radio services of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan";

Kyrgyz Republic: "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic on the coordination of radio frequency assignments in the radio frequency band 29.7 - 960MHz used by the radio services of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic";

Republic of Tajikistan: "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Tajikistan on the coordination of radio frequency assignments in the radio frequency band 30 - 1000 MHz used by the radio services of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Tajikistan”;

Turkmenistan: “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on the coordination of radio frequency assignments in the radio frequency band 29.7 - 960 MHz used by the radio services of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Procedure for international coordination and registration of radio frequencies and REM is defined by Appendix No. 6 "Regulations on the international legal protection of radio frequency assignments of the Republic of Uzbekistan" to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated December 22, 2020 No. 801 "On regulation in the field of the use of the radio frequency spectrum and the use of radio electronic means and high-frequency devices", Articles of intergovernmental Agreements on the coordination of radio frequency assignments, as well as the provisions of the International Radio Regulations (RR).

When issuing permits for the use of radio frequency assignments, after agreeing on the radio frequency ratings and technical characteristics of the proposed REM with interested departments within the republic, the need is determined and coordination of radio frequency assignments and technical characteristics of the proposed REM with foreign Communications Administrations, whose interests may be affected in connection with the installation and operation of this REM on the territory of the republic.

When coordinating and registering radio-frequency assignments of REM of various services, the corresponding uniform forms developed by the ITU are used.

For the period of international coordination and registration with the ITU of REM radio frequency assignments, it is allowed, in some cases, to issue temporary permits to the applicant to use the declared REM radio frequency assignments.

After receiving positive responses from the affected Communications Administrations, relevant applications are sent to the ITU for the registration procedure (indicating those Communications Administrations whose consent was obtained).

In case of receipt of refusals and any comments from the requested Administrations, an additional analysis of the electromagnetic situation is carried out, and by finding all possible means, controversial issues on the coordination of radio frequency assignments are resolved.

In cases where it is not required to coordinate the radio frequency assignments and technical characteristics of the proposed REM with the Administrations of neighboring states, in order to ensure international legal protection, the materials are also sent to the ITU for registration in the International Frequency Register (MIFR).

After the frequency assignments are entered into the MIFR and the updated International Frequency List is received, a permanent permit for the right to operate the REM is issued.

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