Head office

Rozikulova Nadejda Pavlovna

Rozikulova Nadejda Pavlovna

Department of television and radiobroadcasting

Department head


Functions of a department:
1. Considers applications and gives out sanctions for projecting and construction, import, the right of REM utilization of TV and radio broadcasting, fulfills their registration irrespective of a departmental accessory on territory of all over the republic (centralized purpose).
2. Makes an analysis of RFS utilization in the strips distributed to radio broadcasting service and examination of applications on REM EMC of TV and radio broadcasting by means of an available software.
3. Makes a research of existing and future needs of radio broadcasting service, makes long-term plans of radio-frequency assignments utilization in the strips distributed to radio broadcasting service.
4. Carries out coordination of frequency assignments with other radio-frequency bodies.
5. Gives out the technical conclusion about opportunity frequencies utilization of concrete REM kinds of TV and radio broadcasting.
6. Conducts a databank of RFS utilization in strips of radio broadcasting service, and also on planned REM TV and broadcastings.
7. Carries out interaction with regional structural divisions concerning the activity.
8. Organizes and holds technical study concerning EMC REM TV and radio broadcasting.
9. In coordination with CEMC management, carries out interaction with the organizations, enterprises and departments.
10. Defines necessity of carrying out of the international coordination of declared radio-frequency assignments for the strips distributed to radio broadcasting service with administrations of communication of the adjacent states.
11. Takes measures on elimination of the discrepancies revealed at carrying out of audits, or analysis by management, undertakes correcting actions.

1. Assignment of radio frequencies in the strips distributed to radio broadcasting service.
2. Maintenance of electromagnetic compatibility REM of TV and radio broadcasting.
3. Organization of the frequencies assignment of REM TV and radio broadcasting.
4. Planning use of a radio-frequency spectrum in strips of radio broadcasting service.
5. Coordination of services activity of structural divisions concerning frequencies of radio broadcasting service and to account REM of TV and radio broadcasting.
6. Interaction with other MDT enterprises in sphere of RFS and REM TV and radio broadcasting utilization.
7. Development of normative documents according to orders, regulations of MDT and SCRF resolutions.
Carrying out of preparatory works (calculation EMC and the coordination with other radio-frequency bodies) for the international coordination and registration of radio-frequency assignments in the strips distributed to radio broadcasting servic

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