CEMC news

Command and staff exercises were held in the Amudarya district

From November 8 to 9 of this year, school No. 82 of the Amudarya district, under the signal "GATHERING", held command and staff exercises on the topic "Actions of management bodies, the state system for emergency situations with territorial and functional subsystems for emergency response" with the participation of employees of the Department for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and relevant organizations and enterprises.


The main purpose of the conducted command and staff exercise is to prevent emergencies, eliminate them, manage forces and means, as well as improve practical skills.


During the exercise, in practice, the correct actions were practiced in case of a conditionally arisen emergency situation and the elimination of its consequences, the evacuation of victims to a safe place.

Responsible employees of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Republic of Karakalpakstan took part in the event as observers.


Radio operator of the 1st class of SEMS 

Republic of Karakalpakstan A.Shymbergenov

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