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The World Bank highlighted Uzbekistan in the 2022 Public Sector Digital Transformation Trends report

This report publishes the results of the assessment of the GovTech Maturity Index 2022 (GTMI), as well as an analysis of 198 countries on digital transformation indicators in the public sector.

According to this report, Uzbekistan is classified as a separate category of countries with good practice in implementing the digital transformation of the government and is included in group "A" of the leading countries in this area (previously in 2021 Uzbekistan was listed in group "B").

The report notes that the responsible body in the field of IT policy, strategy, implementation of e-government projects and digital skills is the Ministry of Digital Technologies.

Separately mentioned is the adoption in 2019 of the Personal Data Protection Law, which regulates the implementation and compliance with data protection and privacy regulations.

A successful multi-channel mechanism that operates for the population and businesses is the single portal of interactive public services, as well as the electronic tax services portal, through which the population and enterprises can register, submit and make payments, including electronic invoicing.

The GovTech Vision of the World Bank Group reflects a comprehensive approach to digital government and covers four main areas, which are implemented through projects, evaluations and policy dialogue.

GTMI is assessed on the basis of indicators divided by data such as Core Government Systems Index (CGSI), Public Service Delivery Index PSDI, Digital Citizen Engagement Index CEI, GovTech Enablers Index GTEI.

In the presented World Bank chart, for all the above indicators, Uzbekistan exceeds the world average in points, in particular, large improvements relative to the world average can be seen in the Public Service Delivery Index, where Uzbekistan scored 0.951 points, when the world average this indicator has 0.649 points. Also, according to the Index of political and technical figures 0.965 and 0.536 points, respectively.

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