CEMC news

Meeting with academician Musakhanov M.M.

Meeting of academician MusakhanovM.M.,with the staff of SUE “CEMC” was held in the 7th of march 2017 in the Service of Technical Radio Control. During meeting, Musakhanov M.M., shared scientific news regarding, electrodynamics and its application in the telecommunication sphere. Also he stated importance of works and researches of scientists such as M. Faraday, A.Ampere, and H.Hertz and their contribution for electrodynamics development. Thus, staff of SUE “CEMC” paid great interest in Musakhanov’s scientific researches and asked question regarding his field.



The theoretical physicist (physics faculty of the Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov 1969);

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Dubna, JINR 1972);

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Kiev, ITF 1982);

Professor (1982);

Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences Ruz (1994);

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ruz (1995).

Visiting professor:

1994-1995 Canada, Physics Dept, University of Alberta;

1997-1998 Japan, RCNP, Osaka National University;

2004-2005 J. Korea, Physics Dept, Pusan National University;

1994-2002 Italy, Intern. Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP);

2003-2008 Member of the JINR Scientific Council (Dubna),

2010- up to now Member of the Academic Council of the Asia-Pacific Center of Theory.Fiziki

(APCTP), J. Korea.

Author engineer of DRAC Ishankhodjaev O.

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