CEMC news

7th May is a professional holiday of communication industry workers

The development of information and communication technologies, which is the most important factor in raising the welfare and economic growth of the country, is becoming one of the main priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Today, telecommunication technologies play an extremely important role in the further development of our country. Modernization of communication infrastructure and information networks, the introduction of advanced modern technologies in all sectors of the economy is a prerequisite for building an innovative economy and improving the quality of people's lives.

The successes achieved in the field of telecommunications are the result of many years of work by many scientists, engineers, technicians, i.e. all those whom fate has connected with the communications industry. Every year, May 7 is celebrated in our country as a professional holiday of communication industry workers. This day is a professional holiday for employees of television, radio broadcasting, postal workers, signalmen, radio amateurs, i.e. all employees and veterans of labor in the field of information technology and communications. Everyone who promptly informs about the most important events taking place in the country and the world unites human affairs and thoughts on the radio waves.

To date, SUE "CEMC", along with other enterprises and organizations of the industry, makes a significant contribution to the development of the information technology sector of the republic. Ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means, monitoring the radio frequency spectrum, monitoring the rational and efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum are the main activities of our company and serve as a solid foundation for the further development of modern and new telecommunication systems.

6th of May of the current year, on the eve of professional holiday of communication industry workers, the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a solemn event dedicated to awarding industry workers for their huge contribution to the development of information and communication technologies. It is gratifying to note that among the awardees there are also representatives of SUE "CEMC", namely:

- Head of the SEMC of the Jizzakh region - Dilshod Yusufovich Usmanov, awarded the "Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- Engineer of the 2nd category of the SEMC of the Navoi region - Tsegelnyuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna, awarded the badge "Master of his craft".


Taking this opportunity, we congratulate all employees and veterans of the information technology and communications sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan on their professional holiday. We wish everyone good health, long life, family well-being, confident strength, vigorous energy, success in work and great achievements in life!


Sincerely, the staff of SUE "CEMC"

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