CEMC news

May 9 - Day of Remembrance and Honor

In our country, May 9 is declared a Day of Remembrance and Honors and is celebrated as a national holiday. It is our sacred duty to remember the departed, their glorious deeds, the courage and bravery of the heroes, and to honor them. Honoring the memory of thousands of our compatriots who died on the battlefields, showing respect and care for our veterans who returned from the war, selfless people who bore on their shoulders all the hardships of those harsh days, who have strong faith and beliefs, has become a real national value.

On the eve of the holiday, the management of the State Unitary Enterprise "CEMS" together with the trade union and the youth union of the enterprise visited the homes of war and labor veterans, talked with them, congratulated them on the holiday and presented them with gifts. In particular, we visited the homes of front-line soldiers and labor veterans who made a huge contribution to the victory over fascism in Tashkent at Vera Klimashkina and the Tashkent region of the Kuychirchik district of the Zhumagul mahalla at Narbekova Mamasulu and Dadabayeva Kantai.

Leader of the Youth Union

Feyzullaev A. A.



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