CEMC news

Exhibition of radio equipment in the makhalla gathering of citizens of Andijan "Sholdirama" with the participation of SEMC employees of Andijan region

On February 4, 2024, in one of the buildings of the makhalla gathering of citizens “Sholdirama” in Andijan, an exhibition of radio equipment was organized, at which exhibits of various radio communications and household appliances were presented.  Some electronic communications equipment were for military purposes and were created during the Second World War. The organizer of this exhibition was radio amateur A. Muidinov (UK8FF), who has half a century of experience in radio sports and radio design. The purpose of the exhibition was to organize a radio engineering club in the “Sholdirama” mahalla for students of high schools and colleges, where they could engage in design and expand their knowledge of radio engineering, as well as to involve everyone interested in radio engineering in radio sports. Students of the Mechanical Engineering Institute of Andijan, which is located on the territory of the mahalla, were invited to the exhibition. During the entire period of the exhibition, more than a hundred guests visited the exhibition, among whom were the representative of the Andijan city fund “Nuroniy” Berdirahmatov T. and the chairman of the makhalla gathering of citizens “Sholdiram” Makhkamova N., as well as media workers. At the request of the exhibition organizer, representatives of SEMC of the Andijan region were invited as consultants - network engineer U. Shodmonov, as well as radio operators of the Service B. Saifutdinov and Z. Abdullaev (UK8FAA).



   During the exhibition, which took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, guests were repeatedly shown a video about a radio communication session between schoolchildren (participants of the collective radio station) of secondary school No. 2 in Andijan and cosmonaut S. Sharipov, which took place in April 2005. Who performed a long space flight as commander of the Soyuz TMA-5 spacecraft (over 190 days) at the international space station. This story was posted on the Internet and took 1st place in the weekly ratings of the British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC". Radio operator B. Sayfutdinov demonstrated to exhibition visitors the use of a telegraph key in radio communications using Morse code signals, and also explained the principles of receiving and transmitting this type of information.



   For those who expressed a desire to engage in amateur radio sports, radio operator Abdullaev provided information on the procedure for registration and implementation of radio communications in this category, and also registered the candidates personal data.



   Despite it being a Sunday, a large group of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of the Energy Faculty of the Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute attended this event and looked at the exhibits with interest. Their attention was drawn to on-board aircraft and tank radio equipment. They familiarized themselves with interest with information from radio amateur A. Muidinov about the computer he created with his own hands in the 80s of the last century, with information entered into it from a magnetic tape compact cassette and RAM with a capacity of 48 KB. Also, the exhibition organizer conducted a radio communication session with another radio amateur on the shortwave range.


In connection with a number of questions received from students, radio operator B. Saifutdinov gave an overview lecture on the principles of radio wave propagation, antenna-feeder devices, organization of radio communications, technical parameters of receiving and transmitting radio-electronic equipment and the basic characteristics of the radio signal. He also provided the audience with information about the prospects for the development of information technology in the future (6G technology, the use of artificial (general) intelligence in ICT, machine learning, neuromorphic and quantum computers). It is worth noting that the visitors were elderly people with their grandchildren, who gave warm feedback about the exhibition, and upon leaving wished them success in opening a radio circle.

Prepared by: radio operator SEMC Andijan region Saifutdinov B.N.

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