CEMC news

The counter corruption is a demand of time

One of the most pressing global problems facing society today is corruption. In our country, the counter corruption is considered as a national issue, and consistent and systematic work is being carried out to prevent it.

In general, corruption in the broadest sense of the word is not just a crime or an offense, but a state of moral depravity. Therefore, we believe that our society and our citizens are obliged to fight this evil.

To increase the active participation of community members, it is important to access to information, to report and prevent corruption using advanced technologies, as well as to introduce a clear system of public participation in the disclosure and extermination of corruption.

At the same time, it is necessary to act with the awareness that the purpose and object of anti-corruption activities is not a single corrupt official, but the elimination of circumstances that create conditions for the commission of these actions and the adoption of preventive measures to counter corruption.

Therefore, we need to fully establish the use of modern information technologies in the counter corruption, i.e. introduce electronic systems in all spheres of activity to create a fair and transparent mechanism capable of eliminating the human factor.

1 st category engineer, SEMC Bukhara R.Odilov

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