CEMC news

A round table was held on measures for the effective organization of office work in the state language

On August 7 this year, a round table was organized at the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Samarkand region on the topic of studying the Uzbek alphabet based on the Latin alphabet, spelling and office work in the state language for employees of government agencies and organizations.

U. Turdimurodov, teacher of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Samarkand State University, was invited to the round table as a specialist. 

During the round table, the content and significance of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 10, 2021 No. 61 “On measures to ensure a phased full transition to the Uzbek alphabet based on the Latin script” was explained in detail to the employees.

During the conversation, the issues of ensuring compliance with the legislation on the state language, relevant proposals and recommendations for conducting office work in the state language, as well as the tasks of effectively organizing office work in the state language in the process of preparing all types of orders, letters and other documents of the electromagnetic compatibility service of the Samarkand region. Guidance and recommendations are given on the use of guidelines that are important in the preparation of regulatory documents.

During this round table, which is of practical importance, detailed answers were given to questions asked by employees on the rules of office work in the state language.


Prepared by: engineer of the 1st category SEMC of the Samarkand region Kodirov J.

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