CEMC news

Monitoring of mobile communication coverage and mobile Internet at the cultural heritage sites of the Jizzakh region

The tourism sector in our country is developing every year. The rich history, culture, material and spiritual heritage of our country attracts foreign tourists.

Many types of tourism in the Jizzakh region, in particular, historical, architectural and archaeological monuments, historical recreational sites, religious sites and pilgrimage sites, ecotourism sites and unique cultural and ethnographic traditions are the tourist value of the region.

In recent years, a lot of work has been done in our country to modernize the tourism sector, to improve transport and hotel services. At the same time, in order to create convenience for local and foreign tourists, much attention is paid to improving mobile coverage in the locations of highways and in places where the attractions of the region are located.

On an ongoing basis, in places where the sights and tourist sites of the Jizzakh region are located, measures are taken to measure the coverage of mobile communications and mobile Internet with the help of special measuring devices.


Engineer of the 2nd category of the SEMS Jizzakh region H.A. Israilov

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