CEMC news


Before talking about the history of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "What is the Constitution?" It is advisable to answer the question.

Constitution (from Latin. "Constitution" - structure, order) - the Basic Law of the state. It defines the structure of the state, the system of government and administration, their credentials and the procedure for formation, the electoral system, the rights and freedom of citizens, the relationship between society and the individual, as well as the judicial system and between state and society.

By the decision of the Supreme Council on June 21, 1990, a Constitutional Commission was created under the chairmanship of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, consisting of 64 members of statesmen, deputies and specialists. On September 8, 1992, the Constitutional Commission submitted the draft Constitution for public discussion. At this meeting, a working group was formed to finalize and edit the project. The first draft of the new Constitution was prepared on September 26, 1992 and published in the press on the same day.

After the announcement of the draft, its public discussion lasted from late September to early December 1992, and the Constitutional Commission received about 600 letters of comment. More than a hundred materials on the draft Constitution have been published in the republican press. The number of proposals submitted by our citizens has exceeded 5 thousand.

In the draft constitution had been amended and improvements on the basis of proposals received during the discussions. Then, on November 21, 1992, the draft Constitution was published in the newspapers for the second time to continue public discussion. On December 6, 1992, the constitutional commission discussed the draft Constitution for the last time.

The Constitution was created taking into account the advanced constitutional experience of 97 countries. It takes into account a number of advanced aspects of the world constitutional practice. The draft constitution was thoroughly studied leading international organizations such as the United Nations Security Council and Cooperation in Europe, as well as experts from democratic countries, such as USA, UK, Germany and France.

In particular, the public discussion of the draft Constitution made it possible to determine the will of the people of Uzbekistan and to collect a very rich material. This material has been thoroughly and comprehensively studied, compiled and tabled in the eleventh session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan twelfth convocation in the form of a common will of the people.

About 80 amendments, additions and clarifications were proposed to the draft Constitution submitted for discussion at the session of the Supreme Soviet.

After the deputies discussed the draft article by article and made a number of amendments, December 8, 1992 was adopted by our General encyclopedia. From that day, December 8 was declared a national holiday.

The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan consists of an introduction, 6 sections, 26 chapters, 128 articles.

Thus, if a new sovereign state was created on the world stage from the day of the proclamation of Uzbekistan's independence, then on the day of the adoption of our first Constitution, our state was revived anew, a solid legal foundation was laid for our true independence.

The first Constitution of independent Uzbekistan formed and strengthened reliable legal guarantees for a new independent society. The fact that the ideas and norms of the Constitution of Uzbekistan reflect the centuries-old experience and spiritual values, the rich historical and legal heritage of our people is a guarantee of its viability.

At the same time our Constitution embodies the best practice of constitutional development in many democracies, the mechanism of promotion and protection of human rights and interests, freedoms based on the universally recognized norms of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international instruments in this field.

Today, realizing the high responsibility to future generations, each reform carried out on the basis of the principles of the Constitution is based on the goal of strengthening our independence, increasing the well-being of the population, turning Uzbekistan into one of the most developed countries. Therefore, if our General encyclopedia respect and respect on all fronts and in every field, of course, the development of the germs spread their wings faster.

The lidership and collective of the State Unitary Enterprise Center of Electromagnetic Compatibility congratulate all Uzbek people with the 28th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Leading engineer of the QMS - Sh.Akhunbaev

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