CEMC news

Struggle with corruption!

On August 21, 2023, in the Service of Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Samarkand region, in order to improve skills in combating corruption and preventing it, a round table was held on the topic "Anti-Corruption".

The round table was held in pursuance of the protocol of the weekly meeting of the State Unitary Enterprise "SEMС" No.14 dated April 17, 2023.

The round table was held by the chief specialist of the department of justice of the Samarkand district of the Samarkand region O.Kh. Mamatkulov and senior specialist B.B.Abduvakhobov

The specialists informed with the content and essence of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Anti-Corruption" approved on January 3, 2017.


Corruption causes serious damage to the political and economic development of any state and society. It weakens the constitutional foundations of the state and the priority of the law, leads to the infringement of human rights and freedoms.

Currently, measures are being systematically implemented in our republic, aimed at 

anti-corruption and preventing the commission of this type of crime. A number of regulatory legal acts have been adopted and are being implemented, aimed at eliminating the problems that give rise to corruption factors in all spheres of state and public life. Struggle corruption has become the highest priority in the state policy in Uzbekistan. This can be seen in specific examples. In recent years, conceptually important legal acts have been adopted, carried out administrative reforms aimed at preventing corruption.

At the round table full of interesting questions and answers, employees of the Service of Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Samarkand region received enough information about the consequences of corruption as an obstacle to the development of society and the state.


Prepared by: Engineer of the 1st category of SEMC of the Samarkand region 

Abdualimov M.

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