CEMC news

A meeting was held “Results of the enterprise’s activities for 2023 and tasks for 2024”

On February 2 of this year, the results of 2023 and the main tasks set for 2024 were discussed at the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility”. The heads of all departments and services of the enterprise, as well as regional services, took part in it.


At the beginning of the meeting, the leaders emphasized the main goals laid down in the Strategy “Uzbekistan-2023” by Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 11, 2023 No. 158. That is:

• inclusion in the number of upper middle income countries through sustainable economic development;

• creation of a system of education, medicine and social protection that fully meets the needs of the population and international standards;

• creation of favorable environmental conditions for the population;

• building a fair and modern state serving the people;

• ensuring guaranteed sovereignty and security of the country.

The implementation of the strategy and the achievement of its target indicators are identified as a priority task for all government bodies and organizations of our country. The Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan is entrusted with the direct implementation of 22 goals and objectives as the main executor, as well as 62 goals and objectives as a co-executor, 45 goals and objectives as a co-executor and participant in the implementation of the tasks of other organizations. In total, the ministry was entrusted with 129 instructions, it was noted that a certain part of the instructions will have an impact on our enterprise.


For example, increasing the coverage of populated areas with mobile Internet, developing 5G technology, providing international highways with 100 percent mobile Internet, issues related to broadband access, etc.

It was also mentioned that as part of the strategy, the Digital Economy, e-government, electronic services, digital transformation will be implemented, which will ensure the digitization of the activities of ministries and departments.

After this, the indicators of the main results of the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise “CEMС” were considered.


• Financial activities of the enterprise;

• Radio frequencies and resolution;

• International activity;

• Radio monitoring and protection of the radio receiver from interference;

• Investment project;

• Quality management system and performance discipline;

• Compliance control activities;

• Digital transformation and digitization of processes;

• Alternative energy;

• Transport and logistic;

• Appeals from citizens;

• Training;

• Work with students;

• Certification of enterprise employees;

• Development of material and technical base;

• Improving social protection of employees;


Also at the end of the meeting, the main tasks planned for 2024 were presented.

1. Implementation of activities of the state program “Year of Support for Youth and Entrepreneurship”.

2. Continuation of the implementation of the program for modernizing the radio frequency spectrum monitoring system of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. Implementation of an anti-corruption system at the enterprise according to the international standard ISO 37001:2016.

4. Digital transformation and digitization of processes, including the continuation of permitting.

5. Ensuring information security on the air together with radio frequency authorities and interested departments.

6. Active participation in the implementation of the program for the development of telecommunications infrastructure in the regions of the republic.

7. Strengthening the material and technical base of the enterprise, constant improvement of working conditions for workers and their social protection.


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