CEMC news

On the activities Service of Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Bukhara area

The Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of Bukhara area is guided by the decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regulations, orders, orders of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Unitary Enterprise Center of Electromagnetic Compatibility, and also works in accordance with annual and monthly work plans for 2020.

To improve the technical level and improve the skills of employees of the Service of Electromagnetic Compatibility, technical and practical classes on legislation, regulatory documents and communication theory are constantly held.

Monthly plans are drawn up for the radio control point of Bukhara and the mobile station and the corresponding work is carried out according to these plans.

At the radio control point and mobile station of the approved monthly work plan, the technical parameters of all radio-electronic means, broadcasting and television transmitters registered in the Service of Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Bukhara area are measured.

2020, studies were carried out to identify and eliminate sources of radio interference. Including 11 months of 2020, 12 applications for radio interference were registered in the service of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Bukhara area and all 12 applications for radio interference were considered in time.

During 11 months of 2020, 55 raids were carried out, 52 radio-electronic means were identified.

Explanatory and preventive works are carried out among the population on the observance of the established procedure, import, sale, registration, use of radio electronic means and on the elimination of radio interference to radio communications, reception of television and radio broadcasting programs.


Engineer of the 1st category of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service
of the Bukhara area
Odilov R.

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