CEMC news

My native language is my pride

The native language is a source of good qualities and high feelings. It occupies a unique place in the development of humanity. The formation of human thinking is directly related to language. The Uzbek language has courageously walked the path of many thousands of years of historical development until today.

Language is a mirror of the nation, its destiny, interests, a symbol of statehood. Its protection, preservation, enrichment, stabilization is the human task and moral duty of every citizen of this country, representative of this nation. Among the languages of the whole world, the Uzbek language has acquired special dignity and charm with its expressive edges and literary laws, and has enchanted people of knowledge and educators. It makes us all proud. In our country, special attention was paid to the development of the native language and high respect was shown.

In conclusion, considering that the mother tongue is the soul of the nation, our existence and unity, the symbol of the state, it is the human duty of every citizen to preserve and develop it.


Engineer of 1 category

SEMC of Bukhara region  R. Odilov

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