Regional offices

Mirzaahmedov Abdujamol Zokirovich

Mirzaahmedov Abdujamol Zokirovich

SEMC of Ferghana region

Head of service

(Monday-Friday) from 9:00 to 11:00


Main goals:
  • Consideration of consumer applications on construction and the right to operate REM and HFD within the territory of the region;
  • Radiomonitoring and supervision of REM and HFD operation acting within the territory of the region;
  • Search and revealing of illegal-operating REM and HFD within the territory of the region. Make an account of REM frequency assignment of all purposes within the territory of the region;
  • Consideration of applications and complaints to handicapes to TV, broadcastings and radio communications, revealing and elimination of sources of a radio noise;
  • Performance of a complex of control and measuring works on check of means - possible sources of a radio noise (electrotransport, electric mains, electrodevices, vehicles and others) on conformity to norms of admissible levels of an industrial radio noise;
  • Control of parameters of REM and HFD radio emissions, maintained within the territory of the region on conformity of operating technical norms;
  • Organization of works on interaction with power structures of area, Uz ACI territorial management, SCI, Department on struggle with tax and currency crimes and legalizations of criminal incomes under the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Uzbekistan on strengthening of control and prohibiting illegal import, selling and use of not certificated radio telephones and transferring devices in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Main functions:

  • Gives out sanctions on using radio frequencies of the decentralized purpose;
  • Keeps an account of the REM, HFD and the call signs appointed when due hereunder radio frequencies appropriated to users;
  • Eliminates radio noise of REM, including REM of the international organizations and the foreign states, operating according to the international contracts and rules;
  • Together with other competent bodies develops organizational-technical actions on maintenance of electromagnetic compatibility;
  • Spends work by calculations of electromagnetic compatibility, carries out measurements by definition of electromagnetic conditions and gives out the corresponding conclusions to the interested legal and physical persons within the limits of competence;
  • Carries out the control of performance of statutory acts, norms and standards requirements over the use of a radio-frequency spectrum by legal and physical persons within the territory of the region;
  • Carries out the technical control over REM work of civil purpose and use of a radio-frequency spectrum within the territory of the region;
  • Carries out technical supervision of REM and HFD operation for their conformity to norms of radio emissions, equipment of electrodevices, mechanisms, devices and devices of the necessary adaptations providing suppression of handicapes to radioreception;
  • Together with the interested departments and law-enforcement bodies reveals and takes measures on suppression of work illegally operating REM and HFD;
  • Develops and makes offers on development of norms frequency-territorial REM diversion, providing their electromagnetic compatibility;
  • Takes part in development of organizational-technical actions and the normative-legal certificates connected with use of RFS (a radio-frequency spectrum);
  • Carries out technical expert appraisal of applications of legal and physical persons on allocation of radio frequencies and makes offers on their use;
  • Gives out expert judgements on presence of a technical opportunity of use of radio frequencies for registration of the license for a corresponding kind of activity;
  • Carries out preparation and represents the necessary information concerning use of RFS and radiomeans to corresponding controls;
  • Carries out operative management, owns property being on its balance, uses the expediently, provides administrative activity within the limits of the given power;
  • Provides duly elimination of the discrepancies (correcting actions) revealed at carrying out of audits or the analysis by management.
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