CEMC news

The SEMC of the Republic of Karakalpakstan held improvement event

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 459-F dated July 21, 2023, from July 30 to August 30, 2023, “Month of improvement” is held throughout the country. For this purpose, the implementation of this resolution, on August 12 of this year, an event was held in the SEMC of the Republic of Karakalpakstan as part of the “Month of improvement”.

According to him, in front of the house 45 on Pushkin Street, where the Radio Control Point is located, improvement and landscaping work has been carried out on an area of 800 square meters. Trees were shaped, weeds were mowed, ditches were cleared of debris and a playground was set up. The collected waste was taken out at the place of discovery by the Department of Improvement of the city of Nukus.

Employees of our service took an active part in this “Month of improvement”.



Engineer of the 1st category SEMС

Republic of Karakalpakstan M.O. Dlekeev

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