CEMC news

In the Jizzakh region measures are ongoing to eliminate cases of illegal use of REM

For the purpose of constant monitoring of the use of the radio frequency spectrum in the territory of the Jizzakh region and ensuring high-quality electromagnetic compatibility by owners of radio electronic zones operating on the basis of a permit, the stationary radio monitoring point of the EMC service of the Jizzakh region, according to the approved work plan for the month of November 2023, cases of illegal use of radio frequencies were detected.

In order to quickly identify the location of illegal broadcasts (determining the exact address and owner of the radio distribution network), as well as in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents, SEMC engineers of the Jizzakh region carried out an operational radio monitoring exercise using a mobile radio monitoring station.


As a result of the radio monitoring work carried out, the territory (address of the installation site) was determined, with which illegal broadcasts were carried out, and the owner of the REM was also identified.


Currently, measures are being taken to interact with regional law enforcement agencies to suppress these illegal activities and take measures in the prescribed manner.


Prepared by: 1st category engineer SEMC of Jizzakh region Rakhimov B.

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