CEMC news

The elimination of radio interference sources by SEMC of Andijan region

Since the beginning of 2022, the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of Andijan region has received 4 applications for the elimination radio interference sources.

LLC "Unitel" has submitted an application for the elimination of radio interference source, affecting a digital radio relay line operating in the frequency range 7100-7200 MHz. The cause of the radio interference was interference between two radio relay lines which were nearby. The receiving frequency band of one RRL was near the transmission frequency band of the second RRL. The radio interference has been eliminated in accordance with the required instructions. Electromagnetic compatibility was ensured and the quality of information transmission to the digital RRL was improved.

An application to eliminate the source of radio interference affecting the GSM/LTE cellular communication standard was received from the cellular communication company LLC "UMS", the source of radio interference was identified and eliminated in accordance with the necessary instructions. Electromagnetic compatibility was provided for high - quality operation of mobile communications.

Another application for the elimination of radio interference was received from the mobile communications company Uzmobile LLC of Andijan region. Radio interference occurred in the 1st sector of the CDMA-450 antenna. The source of the radio interference was identified and eliminated in accordance with the necessary instructions.

Currently, work on revelation on the causes of radio interference sources affecting to the digital radio relay line at a frequency of 14 GHz is being studied. The application was received from the cellular communications company LLC "UNITEL".

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