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The role and importance of the compliance control system in the fight against corruption

What is Anti-corruption compliance control? Why does this phrase sound so much lately? What is the role of the compliance control system in the fight against corruption?

Today, reforms aimed at preventing and countering corruption, eradicating corruption-causing factors in all spheres of state and public construction are being consistently implemented in our country. Timely identification and elimination of the causes and conditions of corruption manifestations remains as an important task.

One of the important tools that ensure effective anti-corruption activities of countries based on the laws of the market economy is the “anti-corruption control system".

Anti-corruption compliance control is a prevention system that organizes the activities of state and economic management bodies, business entities in accordance with international standards, laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of combating corruption, including timely detection and suppression of corruption risks, conflicts of interest, reporting violations of legislation and corruption offenses.

Anti-corruption compliance control in Uzbekistan is included in Annex 1 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 27, 2019 No. UP-5729 “On measures to further improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan” for the development of a draft regulatory legal act within the framework of the state anti-corruption program for 2019-2020.

The importance of the compliance control system in the fight against corruption lies in the fact that internal control mechanisms are strengthened through compliance control, violations of legislation and offenses are prevented, and clear mechanisms for notifying illegal actions are created. At the same time, due to compliance control, issues of timely detection, suppression of corruption risks, elimination and reduction of necessary conditions that contribute to their occurrence, as well as strict compliance by employees with the rules of professional ethics are regulated.

Specialist in Public Relations

and Mass Media L.A.Turgunova

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