CEMC news

Network of women for WRC-23

On December 3, 2021, at the initiative of the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an introductory session "Network of Women for WRC-23" was held under the auspices of ITU-R.

The intent of the NOW4WRC23 initiative is to start building capacity early on in the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) process in order to encourage a larger participation of women as delegates, chairs, vice-chairs, etc., at WRC-23. Its main objectives are:

  • Gender balance among delegates

  • Prepare women delegates in key roles for WRC-23

  • Grow the ITU women’s community capacity and contribution     

Representative of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications A.T. Tiyanak (Kazakhstan) was elected Co-Chair of the Women's Network for WRC-23 initiative.

In order to support the participation of women working in the field of radio communications, broadcasting and electromagnetic compatibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan at WRC-23 and in ITU-R in general, exchange of knowledge, establishing contacts, a mentoring system has been created. As Tiyanak A.T. informed, the mentors can be women and men with experience of work in the WRC and in other structures of the ITU-R. Mentors are selected according to WRC-23 agenda items. At the moment, two applications have been submitted for the mentoring program from the Communications Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Rozykulova N.P., Kudratova A.O.).

During the presentation, the participants of the seminar discussed the issues that arose on the submission of applications for the mentoring program, as well as proposals were made on the forms of activating this work in the RCC, including the consideration of this issue at the meeting of the RCC Commission for the Regulation of the Usage of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits.

Kudratova A.O.

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