CEMC news

Chess in our life

Chess (Persian. "Checkmate", literally translated as "the Shah is dead") is a logic board game with chess pieces on a square chessboard with 64 squares, combining elements of art, science and sports. Chess is usually played by two players against each other.

In Uzbekistan, the question "why do I need to learn playing chess?" is not relevant. The benefits of chess are well-known, from the point that doctors use them as a means of delaying Alzheimer's syndrome in adulthood and mental retardation in childhood. In order to train talented chess players, as well as to further popularize chess as a sport that develops a person's intelligence and thinking process, the head of our government has adopted several resolutions, such as the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 09.08.2018. No. PD-3906 "On additional measures for the development of chess in the Republic of Uzbekistan", Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated 14.01.2021 No. PD-4954 "On measures for the further development and popularization of chess, as well as improving the system of training chess players".

So why is chess so useful? It develops a variety of skills: communication skills, non-standard thinking, intellectual skills and flexibility of thinking.

Communication skills play a primary role in the modern world. They include the ability to establish new contacts easily, the ability to support any conversation and remain a pleasant companion, not forgetting the ability to negotiate and insist on your own way. These skills are developed perfectly with active chess lessons. People's social circle is expanding, new opportunities for full self-expression and the most importantly, gives an impact to self-realization as well as increasing self-esteem.

Chess is an unsurpassed simulator for human intelligence. After all, both cerebral hemispheres are involved during the game, and both logical and abstract thinking is used simultaneously.

In addition, chess develops logic and analytic thinking, also perfectly trains a person's memory. During the game our brain uses both long-term and short-term memory simultaneously. Both children and adults develop attention, perseverance and the ability to concentrate, while playing chess.

The goal of each game is to defeat the opponent. At the same time, you need to be able to choose the best move from the set, find the shortest way to achieve the goal. Each player has his own scenario for the development of the game, but you have to adapt to the opponent and make decisions under pressure, often look for a way out of non-standard situations. It promotes learning, because no one likes to lose.

Employees of the Service for Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Navoi region are also fond of chess, competing with each other in their free time. Although there are no grandmasters among us, playing chess helps to relieve tension, gives an opportunity to communicate in an informal atmosphere, develops the spirit of healthy rivalry in the staff.


Engineer of the SEMC of the Navoiy region M. Turakulov

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