CEMC news

Employees of SEMC of Surkhandarya region traveled to places of interest in the cities of Samarkand and Shahrisabz

An important factor in the development of international tourism was the entry in 1993 of the national company "Uzbektourism" into the World Tourism Organization (WTO), where tourism activity in our country from the first days of independence has been identified as a priority for economic development.

Uzbekistan attracts the attention of the whole world with its many historical and architectural monuments and diverse climate. One of the next practical steps in this direction was the Decree of the President "On measures for the further development of domestic and pilgrimage tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan."

In order to provide social support to employees, as well as the organization of their cultural and educational recreation, on the initiative of the trade union of the trade union committee of the SUE "CEMC", the staff of the SEMC of the Surkhandarya region visited the sights in the cities of Samarkand and Shakhrisabz.

During the trip, employees of the SEMC of the Surkhandarya region got acquainted with the sights of the shrines and the conditions created there for visitors, prayed to their ancestors. This trip made a great impression on the staff.


Network engineer of the 2nd category of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Surkhandarya region Islamov Zh.

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