CEMC news

In the Surkhandarya region, prompt measures have been taken to identify illegally operating radio-electronic means

In January and February of this year, employees of the SEMС of the Surkhandarya region, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Surkhandarya region and the regional branch of the Uzkomnazorat inspection of the Surkhandarya region carried out operational measures to identify radio-electronic means that are not permitted for use on the territory of our republic.


A total of 18 illegally operating radio-electronic devices were identified at gas stations and consumer service points in the city of Termez, Angora and Kyzyrik districts of Surkhandarya region. It was explained to owners of radio-electronic devices that they create radio interference on the air and illegally use the radio frequency spectrum. The use of these radio-electronic means was stopped in accordance with the law, explanatory work was carried out on the non-use of these means and appropriate warning letters were handed over.



Category 2 network engineer of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of Surkhandarya Region Islamov J.H.

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