CEMC news

Language is the wealth of a nation


Language is the pride, honor and mirror of the nation. Language is a great value that reflects the images, spirit, cultural and spiritual values, way of life, history, worldview of a nation formed over centuries, and represents a great wealth for passing it on from generation to generation. Language is one of the main characteristics of nations. Therefore, every person should know his own language, respect it, and also respect the native language of other peoples. The history of a language, its formation and development cannot be studied without knowledge of the history of the people, since the language reflects the past of the nation, age-old values and culture. That is why Mahmud Kashgari in his work “Devanu Lugatit Turk” says that “The beginning of virtue is the tongue,” emphasizing that all virtues begin with the tongue.

In recent years, important changes have been taking place in the development of our language, as in all areas. In particular, a lot of work has been done to reveal the wide possibilities of our language, to strengthen its influence on the life of the nation, its spiritual and ideological views. As a result, our native language has literally become the state language; it is actively used in political, legal, socio-economic, spiritual and educational aspects, and finds a response on international platforms.

We must not forget that we are all equally responsible for preserving our mother tongue, its development and purity, and for instilling the spirit of nationalism and patriotism in the younger generation.


Category 2 network engineer SEMC Jizzakh region H.A.Israilov

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