CEMC news

Traffic control using unmanned aerial vehicles

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in traffic control and road safety is becoming increasingly popular as cities look for innovative ways to improve safety and reduce congestion. UAV offer an effective and cost-effective way to monitor and manage traffic, while also providing a safer environment for drivers and pedestrians.


                         UAV monitoring of traffic conditions

The use of  UAV for the needs of road structures and other industries is not yet widespread. Many problems are associated with the use of airspace, the allocation of the 2.4 and 5.8 GHz frequency range for UAV control and information transmission.

The UAV is capable of recording the following traffic rules violators:

  - driving into the oncoming lane for a vehicle;

  - driving on the side of the vehicle;

  - driving along a dedicated vehicle lane;

  - vehicle travel on bicycle paths and sidewalks;

  - incorrect location of the vehicle on the roadway.

A UAV equipped with a video sensor is capable of automatically recording information in flight from a distance of up to 200m, on the basis of which it is possible to form the necessary evidence base for bringing traffic violators to justice. Information about the violation can be automatically transmitted to the Center for Automated Recording of Administrative Traffic Offenses of the Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the issuance of decisions on administrative offenses, or transmitted along with the road patrol service to bring the violator to administrative responsibility.

                      Scheme for transmitting information from the UAV to the base


Overall, the use of drones in traffic management and road safety can significantly improve safety and reduce congestion. By monitoring traffic, detecting potential hazards and providing valuable data, drones can help create a safer environment for drivers and pedestrians.


Engineer 1st category FSSD

Rakhimgaziev F.F.

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