CEMC news

The State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility" celebrated the national holiday of Navruz

In the course of ongoing large-scale democratic reforms aimed at the realization of such good goals as building a free and prosperous life in our country, the elevation of human dignity, as well as along with our historical and national values, the national holiday of Navruz serves as a kind of spiritual support.

Navruz worthily celebrated at the State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility" on March 24 of this year as revered by our people for centuries and recognized by the United Nations as an International holiday.

On this day, the territory of our enterprise was decorated in accordance with the content and meaning of the Navruz holiday, the employees of our organization were dressed in national costumes, and the festive table was decorated with sumalak and spring meals.

The opening ceremony of the new administrative building of the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility" coincided with the wide celebration of Navruz. The event was also attended by representatives of industry enterprises and partner organizations. The guests were provided with information about the activities carried out by our company, as well as the conditions created for the effective work of employees in the new administrative building.

Taking this opportunity, on these significant days we wish all our compatriots strong health, happiness and new achievements in ensuring the comprehensive development and prosperity of Uzbekistan.

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