IT news

IT-MARATHON - 2021 has started in TUIT

The competition "IT MARATHON-2021" has started for schoolchildren, university students and all young people interested in programming, organized by the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.

IT-MARATHON on programming includes the search for algorithmic solutions by programmers using popular programming languages.

The marathon will be held in three stages:

The first stage is the process of increasing the level of programming knowledge within 45 days. At this stage, the teachers of TUIT will give all the participants of the marathon appropriate explanations and instructions for solving the problems presented. The intensive 45-day marathon classes are free online. Participants who have shown high results will have the opportunity to participate in the second and third stages.

The second stage - participation in the marathon and awarding exclusively to 1st year students of TUIT and its branches, will take place at the end of January 2021 among students of TUIT and its branches.

The third stage is a programming competition among the teams of participants. At this stage, all university students and schoolchildren who have passed stage 1 in teams of 3 people will be able to take part. The third stage will take place at the end of May 2021 throughout the Republic.

Anyone from 15 to 30 years old can take part in the programming marathon. The prize fund of the “IT-MARATHON - 2021” programming tournament is 60 million soums.

To participate in the marathon, you must register using the following link:

For reference: on the website there are courses on sports programming in the Uzbek language.




Source: Press Center

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