CEMC news

A training seminar in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ferghana region

Employees of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Ferghana region held a training seminar for employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ferghana region. Employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ferghana region have been familiarized with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 801 dated December 22, 2020 "On regulation in the field of the use of the radio frequency spectrum and the use of radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices".


According to the above-mentioned resolution, the internal affairs bodies are entrusted with the tasks of identifying illegally operating Radio electronic means (REM) and High frequency devices (HFD) during inspections, as well as operational search measures.

The training seminar was mainly attended by inspectors of prevention of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ferghana region, who play an important role in identifying illegally operating REM and HFD in the territory of the region.


2nd category System Engineer D.Alimdzhanov

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