CEMC news

The Department of Internal Affairs held a seminar in Syrdarya region

On February 26, 2022, as part of the implementation of the "Plan of joint activities with the Department of Internal Affairs of the Syrdarya region for 2022", employees of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of Syrdarya region held a training seminar.


At the seminar, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Syrdarya region were familiarized with the activities of the Syrdarya region EMС, its functional responsibilities, the general technical capabilities of the radio monitoring system, as well as the procedure for the use of REM and HFD on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In addition, the participants of the seminar learned in detail the "Regulation on the interaction of ministries and departments in the organization of control over compliance with the procedure for the acquisition (transfer), sale and (or) installation (construction), operation on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and import from abroad of radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices", approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 801 dated December 22, 2020

During the study of the above Resolution, the employees of the SEMC of Syrdarya region gave detailed explanations on the procedure for interaction with the Department of Internal Affairs of Syrdarya region in cases of detection of illegal use of REM and HFD in the territory of the region. In turn, the SEMC employees of Syrdarya region will have to issue an act of technical expertise in accordance with the established form no later than three days from the date of provision of the REM and HFD, while the costs associated with the preparation of the conclusion of the technical expertise must be reimbursed at the expense of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Syrdarya region.

During the seminar, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of Syrdarya region received detailed explanations to all their questions.

Radio operator of SEMC Syrdarya Zhuraev Zh.N.

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