CEMC news

Exhibition laboratory of SUE CEMС is organized in IT Park of Urgench branch

The Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan identified the main tasks for the implementation of the "Five Initiatives" strategy set by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, providing for the creation of conditions for the widespread and effective use of computer technologies by population and youth, attracting young people to entrepreneurship in the field of information technologies.

In fact, the IT direction is the shortest and most effective way to develop the economy and export. IT Park is the locomotive of this industry. The perfection of the IT sphere leads to human capital, thanks to which Uzbekistan will become a technologically developed state.

The opening of the IT center in the homeland of the great scientist Muhammad al-Khorezmi, who left an indelible mark on the development of civilization, laid the foundations of mathematics and modern information and communication technologies, will contribute to the training of future young scientists and IT specialists and their comprehensive improvement.

The priority tasks of the new incubation center in Khorezm region include: identifying talented young people who create innovative projects, conducting incubation programs for advanced business ideas and providing comprehensive support to students in implementation of startup projects. This center is equipped with all the necessary devices and computer equipment: laptops, interactive whiteboards, multimedia projectors, printers and other equipment.



On behalf of the territorial administration of the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Urgench branch of the IT Park, the EMC Service of Khorezm region organized exhibition laboratory with the image of the official logo of SUE "CEMC". This will give young people initial theoretical information about our interprise.



The IT center has all the necessary conditions for training and development of the younger generation in the following areas:

- Computer literacy;

- In-depth study of MS Office;

- Web programming languages;

- Basics of graphics and design;

- Creation of mobile applications;

- Python programming language;

- Mobile robots based on Arduino and LEGO Mindstorms;

- Esports: CS, GO, Dota2, FIFA20.

Within the framework of one of the major IT projects implemented by IT Park in Khorezm region - "One million programmers" – more than 300 thousand students were trained. 270 thousand of them have successfully completed courses and received certificates.

Today, there are 13 digital technology training centers, 13 IT schools and a BPO school at Urgench branch of IT Park.

Currently, the branch employs 9 residents and implements about 40 startup projects. Five of them are funded. This, in turn, will serve as motivation for talented young people, further growth of advanced, innovative business projects and the development of a technological society.

Engineer M. Saidova, SEMC Khorezm region

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