CEMC news

In a healthy body - a healthy mind

Yurtimizda jismoniy tarbiya va sportni rivojlantirishga alohida e’tibor qaratilib kelinmoqda. Chunki inson jismonan sog‘lom bo‘lsa, bu bevosita aqliy va ruhiy holatiga ham ijobiy ta’sir o‘tkazadi. Shuning uchun ham sog‘ tanda sog‘lom aql deb bejizga aytilmagan.

Under the assistance of leadership of the enterprise and the trade union of SUE "CEMC» a healthy lifestyle and increase the level of physical activity of the employees is provided. In particular, the SEMC of Kashkadarya region is also provided with the necessary sports equipment by trade union of SUE "CEMC". Our employees regularly play sports in their free time, making sports an integral part of everyday life.

Football, table tennis and chess are especially favorite sports among our team. The fact that the winning player changes every time in sports games further stimulates the participants' desire to win. This, in turn, makes these competitions interesting and attractive. At the same time, sport also serves to strengthen mutual understanding, harmony and friendly relations between our employees.

Network engineer of the SEMC of Kashkadarya region A.Kudratov

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