CEMC news

In the name of a new life, in the name of New Uzbekistan!


This year, our country celebrates Independence Day, based on this main idea “In the name of a new life, in the name of New Uzbekistan!”. On July 27, 2023, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a resolution “On the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.


Due to this the implementation of this resolution, a spiritual and educational training hour was organized in the Service electromagnetic compatibility of the Samarkand region, which embodied the main idea "In the name of a new life, in the name of New Uzbekistan!”


The head of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Samarkand region H. Tojiev, engineers A. Olmasov and M. Abdualimov spoke at the event. In their speech, they gave information about the reforms carried out in our country during the years of independence and the ongoing work to further improve the well-being of our people, especially about the extensive creative work. 



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