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Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur (1483-1530) was not only a writer, poet, scientist, but also a major statesman and commander, who occupied a special place in the culture, literature and poetry of the medieval East. While Babur, with his broad outlook and excellent mind, founded the Baburid dynasty in India, whose name went down in the history of this country as a statesman, Serjilo firmly took his place among the world famous historians thanks to his work “Baburnoma”, written in the Uzbek language. His exquisite Ghazals and Rubais are the rarest masterpieces of Turkic poetry, and his treatises on Mubayin, Khatti Baburi, Harb Ishi, Aruz became a worthy contribution to the field of Islamic jurisprudence, poetry and language theory.

Historical records say that during Babur's campaign in India, the rulers of Punjab, dissatisfied with the policies of the ruler of Delhi, Ibrahim Sultan, also used Babur and this victory in the Battle of Sikri gave Babur the opportunity to end his rule in India and establish the Babur dynasty. The Baburid dynasty ruled India for over 300 years.

After this victory, Babur did not live long - in December 1530 he died in Agra, and later, according to his will, his children brought him Hawk to Kabul and buried him.

What is Babur's merit in state affairs? First of all, he personally sponsored work to stabilize the political climate in India, consolidate the country's lands, improve cities, and properly resolve trade issues. It can be said that the still popular construction of architectural monuments, gardens, libraries, caravanserais has expanded, especially under his sons and descendants. The penetration of the Central Asian style into Indian art and architecture began to be felt. Under Babur and his ruling descendants, a perfect spiritual atmosphere developed, in which advanced and witty scientists, poets, musicologists and statesmen of that time were embodied. About the significance of the cultural environment in the Babur state for India, the famous figure of the Indian people, Jawaharlal Nehru, wrote: “After Babur’s arrival in India, shifts took place in khat, and new stimuli gave fresh air to life, art, architecture, while other areas of culture merged together.”.

Babur continued his literary and artistic activities and created the above-mentioned works, as well as a large number of just public affairs in India. “Baburnoma” is considered the masterpiece that made Babur famous throughout the world. It is known that it well covers the history of the peoples of Transoxiana, Khorasan, Iran and India during the reign of Babur. The work consists mainly of three parts, the first of which is a narrative about the events that occurred in Central Asia in the second half of the 15th century; the second part is devoted to the history of the Kabul ulus, that is, Afghanistan, at the end of the 15th - first half of the 16th century; the third is the history of the peoples of Northern India in the first quarter of the 16th century. “Baburnoma” perfectly describes the political events of that time, provides extremely rare information about the political and economic situation of their homeland, the Fergana region, its capital city Andijan, large cities of Central Asia: Samarkand, Bukhara, Karshi, Shakhrisabz, Osh, Urgench, Oratepe , Termez and others. In it you can find information about the major cities of the Kabul ulus Kabul, the treasury and numerous regions, provinces at their disposal, Northern India.

Flipping through “Baburnom,” we see before our eyes the qualities and shortcomings inherent in the peoples of Central Asia, Afghanistan and India, as well as the breadth and complexity of their thinking, the problems of life of that time, and a complete picture of political and social life in Babur’s state.

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