CEMC news


On February 29 of this year, another hour of legal training was conducted through the ZOOM platform for employees of the central office of the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility”, Electromagnetic Compatibility Services of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions.

At this training hour, the Chief Compliance Inspector T.B. Islamov explained on the topic of the Public Sector, preventing conflicts of interest.


Purpose and scope of the law

applies to state bodies and local government bodies, state institutions, state unitary enterprises, state trust funds, as well as joint-stock companies with a state share in the authorized capital (authorized capital) of 50 percent or more (hereinafter referred to as state bodies or other organizations).

in relation to legal entities whose share in their own authorized capital (authorized capital) of state bodies or other organizations amounts to 50 percent or more;

Basic principles for regulating relations related to conflicts of interest


priority of legitimate interests of citizens, organizations, society and the state;

openness and transparency;


intolerance to corruption.


Rights and obligations of an employee of a government body or other organization

Rights: seeking advice from a special unit;

providing additional information in electronic or written form in addition to the information that should be indicated in the declaration of possible conflict of interest.

Duty: To faithfully perform the duties of their position or official authority and to refrain from any action related to their personal interests that may influence or interfere with their performance.

inadmissibility of personal interest, which may lead or may lead to a conflict of interest in the performance of official duties or official powers;

in the event of an existing conflict of interest, notify your immediate supervisor or a special unit before making a decision on documents under his jurisdiction;

not force your direct subordinates or other employees, directly or indirectly, to take actions (inactions) pursuing their personal interests;

a state body or other organization in respect of which it carries out labor (service) activities, within one working day notifies about the status of receipt of job offers from a controlled organization or its structural unit;

report cases of conflict of interest known to him in relation to other employees;

in order to resolve a possible conflict of interest, it is necessary to provide information upon request of a special unit.

Persons associated with an employee of a government agency or other organization

Close relatives of an employee, as well as legal entities, are persons associated with an employee of a state body if the head or member of the management body of this legal entity or if the authorized capital belongs to the employee himself or his close relatives.

Conflict of Interest Law

The Anti-Corruption Agency is defined as a body with special powers in the field of regulating relations related to conflicts of interest.

requests and studies information and materials related to conflicts of interest from government agencies and other organizations;

coordinates the activities of government bodies and other organizations to regulate relations related to conflicts of interest;

studies the activities of government bodies and other organizations in the field of regulating relations related to conflicts of interest;

if a conflict of interest is detected, submits to the court a motion to cancel the transaction, change or cancel the decision and other document, or to declare them invalid;

Approves sample forms for registering conflicts of interest, notices of existing conflicts of interest, declarations of potential conflicts of interest;

publishes methodological recommendations on resolving conflicts of interest for government bodies or other organizations;

exercises control over the achievement of full compensation for damage caused to the interests of citizens, organizations, society or the state as a result of a conflict of interest;

organizes systematic advanced training for employees of special units, training aimed at developing relevant skills in them;

draws up an administrative protocol on administrative offenses related to non-compliance with the requirements of the law on conflict of interest, and sends it to the court for consideration.


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