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CEMC news

A mobile reception was held at the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
According to the schedule of mobile reception of individuals and legal entities in the regional Electromagnetic Compatibility Services in 2019, the Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility held a mobile reception in Nukus on December 24, 2019 under the chairmanship of the Head of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Republic of Karakalp...
Our congratulation with Day of Constitution!
«The Center of electromagnetic compatibility» sincerely congratulates all the citizens of Uzbekistan Republic with 8th of December, Day of Constitution. All the employees of our company wish you happiness and good luck on your work. Happy holiday dear compatriots!
Seminar on the topic: “BEIDOU / GNSS navigation satellite system and its application”
On November 11-24, 2018, RFCD engineer of the CEMC,Ishankhodjaev O.A., took part in a seminar organized by the National Satellite Agency of the People's Republic of China in cooperation with the National Agency for Project Management named after Abu Raykhon Beruniy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic “BEIDOU / G...
Issues of human resources development
Under the leadership of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev special attention in the Republic is paid to formation of the modern information and communication market, development of material and technical base of information and communication technologies, as well as increasing the potential of human resources in this sphere. The Republic of Uzbeki...
Congratulations with Kurban Hayit
We congratulate the nation of Uzbekistan with holy Kurban Khayit holiday. We wish you and your family strong health, welfare, happiness, good luck, career prosperity and success in your life. Let peace, welfare be with you and with your family.
Seminar on "Development Trends and Experience in Using Satellite Communications Technologies"
May 22-23, 2018 specialists of SUE "CEMS" took part in the ITU regional seminar "Development Trends and Experience in Using Satellite Communications Technologies" in Minsk, Republic of Belarus. The event was organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union in cooperation w...
Happy New Year!
We congratulate the people of Uzbekistan Republic with New 2018 Year!  We wish You happiness, prosperity strong health and long life! And wish all your dreams come true this New Year!  
Kurban Hayit
Nowadays the people of Uzbekistan Republic celebrates holy and sacred holiday- Kurban Khayit. We sincerely congratulate the nation of Uzbekistan Republic with Kurban Khayit and wish all of you strong health, happiness, welfare and peace.
Independence Day
Dear compatriots! We congratulate you with the 26th anniversary of Independence Day of Uzbekistan Republic. We sincerely wish you farther well-being, family happiness, success and prosperity! Happy Independence Day!
Independence Day
Dear compatriots! We congratulate you with the 26th anniversary of Independence Day of Uzbekistan Republic. We sincerely wish you farther well-being, family happiness, success and prosperity! Happy Independence Day!
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